Saturday, November 20, 2010

Technopoly Presentation

I think that our presentation went well for the most part. Our introduction went like I thought it would, everyone uses a TV, computer Ipod, and phone on a daily basis it just helped start off our presentation. I think it helped people in the class understand just how much we rely on technology daily, how much it really does control our lives which is what Postman was trying to get us to see in this book. He challenged us to look at the negative sides of technology, which is the exact opposite of what society always tells us to do. Technology is such a distraction in our lives and we spend hours everyday using it. The Twitter activity went well and I think everyone participated in at least one tweet. The ending discussion really wrapped things up bringing all the information together well I think. Hopefully our presentation got others to maybe see the other side of technology even though it will not change their thinking, it might get them to think twice.