Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Why Magic Isn't a Good Answer

I think the answer to the popsicle stick trick doesn't involve magic. I think it was just an illusion where our eyes were tricked because we all physically saw the dot on the stick. We could probably use this example as something that we can learn from and in the future challenge our students to learn from. We shouldn't settle for "it's just magic" as an answer. We need to think critically and challenge ourselves to not just accept the simple answer as an easy way out. I think if we all tried to replicate this trick, we wouldn't be able to do it. With a little practice though, we could learn how it works to create an illusion.  As teachers and learners we need to think critically and challenge what is going on around us to constantly improve our learning.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, accepting magic as the answer would be settling and taking the easy way out. Nothing worth having is going to be easy. It takes hard work to gain something worthwhile. Questioning and working for another answer was second nature to me during this activity. I was thinking about the way the trick was possible the entire time Dr. Kruse was showing us the popsicle stick. Young students will do this, as well, and the teacher must find a way to help them move towards answers.
